K3s Cluster in a Weekend – Part 5 – Accessing BookStack
In the same way you would to assign an IP address to a service in a traditional data center, Kubernetes Pod must also have a known address within the cluster. This is created by using a Service resource.
BookStack will have two defined Services, one for the front end, bookstack-svc and a second one for bookstack-db-svc, the SQL database.
bookstack-svc.yaml manifest
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
app: bookstack
partOf: bookstack
name: bookstack-svc
type: LoadBalancer
- name: http
port: 80
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 80
app: bookstack
partOf: bookstack
Key lines here come in the spec: ... section. MetalLB will assign the next available IP from its block when type: LoadBalancer is set. This gives the Services an address external to the cluster.
Next, port: 80 and targetPort: 80 indicates which port the Services exposes and on which port the Pod is listening, respectively.
Finally, the **selector: ... ** crucially describes what Pod(s) should be matched to this services based on a label, a label of app: bookstack.
bookstack-db-svc.yaml manifest
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
partOf: bookstack
name: bookstack-db-svc
type: ClusterIP
clusterIP: None
- name: mysql
port: 3306
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 3306
app: mariadb
partOf: bookstack
The Service for bookstacks-db-svc uses type: ClusterIP which assigns an IP address from the clusters pool to allow internal network traffic only.
Deploy these manifests to K3s with:
kubectl apply -f bookstack-db-svc.yaml -f bookstack-svc.yaml
We can access BookStack through the IP address MetalLB assigned to bookstack-svc displayed as the External-IP.
kubectl get svc bookstack-svc